EC-111 Basic Electronics Engineering
Teaching Scheme CreditMarks DistributionDuration of End Semester Examination
LTPInternal AssessmentEnd Semester ExaminationTotal


Maximum Marks: 40Maximum Marks: 60100

3 Hours

Minimum Marks: 16Minimum Marks: 2440

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Unit - I

Semiconductors: Energy band concept of materials , difference between metal, insulator and semiconductor , Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors (n- type & p- type) , current conduction in semiconductor , Photodiode , photo-transistor , LED and seven- segment display.

Semiconductor Diodes: p- n junction diode , Depletion layer , Energy diagrams of p-n junction and depletion region , Biasing of diode and V-I Characteristics; Rectifiers - half- wave , full- wave and bridge rectifiers; Filters - L , C , LC and π filters ; Zener diode , V-I Characteristics and Zener diode as voltage regulator.

Unit - II

Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJT): Transistor operation and current components in p- n- p and n- p- n transistors , input/output characteristics of CB and CE configurations , Transistor as an Amplifier , transistor cutoff , saturation and active regions , Transistor biasing and bias stabilization: Operating point , Stability factor , Analysis of fixed bias , collector to base bias , Emitter resistance bias circuit and self bias circuit

Field Effect Transistors: Basic construction , transistor action , concept of pinch off , maximum drain saturation current , input and transfer characteristics , MOSFET: Depletion and enhancement type MOSFET - Construction , operation and characteristics

Unit - III

Oscillators: Introduction , Criteria for oscillation , types of oscillators Hartley , Colpitt , RC Phase shift and Wein bridge oscillators.

Operational Amplifiers: Concept of ideal operational amplifiers , ideal operational amplifier parameters , inverting , non-inverting and unity gain amplifiers , adders and subtractor , Differentiator , integrator and Comparator operational amplifiers

Unit - IV

Number System and Logic Design: Number systems , Conversions and code , conversion of bases(decimal, binary, octal and hexadecimal numbers) , addition and subtraction , Boolean algebra , logic gates (AND, OR, NAND, NOR,XOR, XNOR) , concept of universal gate .

Electronic Instruments: Operation of CRO and its applications, Signal Generator , measurement of voltage, phase and frequency using CRO.

Page Contents