Hartley Oscillator

The Hartley oscillator is a type of LC (Inductance-Capacitance) oscillator commonly used in radio receivers. It is designed to generate sinusoidal oscillations at RF (Radio Frequency) levels. The unique feature of the Hartley oscillator is its center-tapped inductor, which allows the circuit to produce a sinusoidal output waveform. The center tap provides the necessary phase shift for continuous oscillation by enabling feedback to flow from the inductor's center to the amplifier. The frequency of oscillations in a Hartley oscillator can be adjusted by changing the values of the inductance and capacitance, which are the key factors controlling the oscillation frequency.

Key Factors of the Hartley Oscillator:

  • External Temperature
  • Component Quality
  • Uniformity

Factors Affecting the Hartley Oscillator:

Changes in temperature or over time can cause the values of electronic components to drift, which may alter the oscillator's frequency. To mitigate this, low temperature coefficient components are often used in high-precision applications.

Working of the Hartley Oscillator

The figure below shows the practical circuit of a Hartley oscillator using a BJT (Bipolar Junction Transistor) as the active device. The resistors R1R_1, R2R_2, and RER_E are used for biasing.

  • The RFC (Radio Frequency Choke) has a high reactance value at high frequencies and can be considered an open circuit. However, for DC operation, it acts as a short circuit, thus not interfering with the DC operation.

  • The RFC ensures isolation between AC and DC operations. The capacitors CC1C_{C1} and CC2C_{C2} are coupling capacitors, while CEC_E is the emitter bypass capacitor. The amplifier provides a 180° phase shift.

  • In the feedback circuit, because the center of the inductors L1L_1 and L2L_2 is grounded, an additional 180° phase shift is provided, satisfying the Barkhausen condition. In this oscillator:

    X1=ωL1X_1 = \omega L_1, X2=ωL2X_2 = \omega L_2, X3=1ωCX_3 = -\frac{1}{\omega C}.

  • For an LC oscillator, X1+X2+X3=0X_1 + X_2 + X_3 = 0.

    ωL1+ωL21ωC=0\omega L_1 + \omega L_2 - \frac{1}{\omega C} = 0

    ω(L1+L2)=1ωC\omega(L_1 + L_2) = \frac{1}{\omega C}

    ω=1(L1+L2)C\omega = \frac{1}{\sqrt{(L_1 + L_2)C}}

    f=12π(L1+L2)Cf = \frac{1}{2\pi\sqrt{(L_1 + L_2)C}}

  • The inductance L1+L2L_1 + L_2 is the equivalent inductance, denoted as LeqL_{eq}. The HfeH_{fe} of the BJT must be L1L2\frac{L_1}{L_2}.

    Hfe=L1L2H_{fe} = \frac{L_1}{L_2}

  • In practice, L1L_1 and L2L_2 are often wound on a single core, resulting in mutual inductance MM between them.

    Leq=L1+L2+2ML_{eq} = L_1 + L_2 + 2M

    f=12πLeqCf = \frac{1}{2\pi\sqrt{L_{eq} C}}

    Hfe=L1+ML2+MH_{fe} = \frac{L_1 + M}{L_2 + M}

Derivation of Frequency of Oscillations

  • The output current is the collector current, which is hfeIbh_{fe} I_b, where IbI_b is the base current. Assuming the coupling capacitors are shorted, the capacitor CC is connected between the collector and base.

  • With the emitter grounded for AC analysis, L1L_1 is between the emitter and base, while L2L_2 is between the emitter and collector. The equivalent circuit is shown below.

  • hieh_{ie} is the input impedance of the transistor. The output current is IbI_b, while the input current is hfeIbh_{fe} I_b. The current source can be converted to a voltage source as shown below.


V0=hfeIbjXL2=hfeIbjωL2V_0 = h_{fe} I_b j X_{L2} = h_{fe} I_b j \omega L_2

  • The total current II is:

    I=V0[XL2+XC]+[XL1hie](i)I = \frac{-V_0}{\left[X_{L2} + X_C\right] + \left[X_{L1} \parallel h_{ie}\right]} \quad \text{(i)}

  • The negative sign indicates that the direction of II is opposite to the polarity of V0V_0.

    XL2+XC=jωL2+1jωC=ω2L2C+1jωCX_{L2} + X_C = j \omega L_2 + \frac{1}{j \omega C} = \frac{-\omega^2 L_2 C + 1}{j \omega C}

    XL1hie=jωL1hiejωL1+hieX_{L1} \parallel h_{ie} = \frac{j \omega L_1 \cdot h_{ie}}{j \omega L_1 + h_{ie}}

    I=hfeIbjωL2ω2L2C+1jωC+jωL1hiejωL1+hieI = \frac{-h_{fe} I_b j \omega L_2}{\frac{-\omega^2 L_2 C + 1}{j \omega C} + \frac{j \omega L_1 \cdot h_{ie}}{j \omega L_1 + h_{ie}}}

Using the current division rule for parallel elements:

Ib=I×jωL1jωL1+hie I_b = I \times \frac{j \omega L_1}{j \omega L_1 + h_{ie}}

Ib=hfeIbjωL2ω2L2C+1jωC+jωL1hiejωL1+hie×jωL1jωL1+hie I_b = \frac{-h_{fe} I_b j \omega L_2}{\frac{-\omega^2 L_2 C + 1}{j \omega C} + \frac{j \omega L_1 \cdot h_{ie}}{j \omega L_1 + h_{ie}}} \times \frac{j \omega L_1}{j \omega L_1 + h_{ie}}

1=jω3hfeCL1L2[hieω2Chie(L1+L2)]+jωL1(1ω2L2C) 1 = \frac{j \omega^3 h_{fe} C L_1 L_2}{\left[h_{ie} - \omega^2 C h_{ie} (L_1 + L_2)\right] + j \omega L_1 \left(1 - \omega^2 L_2 C\right)}

  • Rationalizing the right-hand side of the above equation:

    1=ω4hfeL12L2C(1ω2L2C)[hieω2Chie(L1+L2)]2+ω2L22C2+1 = \frac{\omega^4 h_{fe} L_1^2 L_2 C (1 - \omega^2 L_2 C)}{[h_{ie} - \omega^2 C h_{ie} (L_1 + L_2)]^2 + \omega^2 L_2^2 C^2} +

    jω3hfeL1L2C[hieω2Chie(L1+L2)][hieω2Chie(L1+L2)]2+ω2L22C2\frac{ j \omega^3 h_{fe} L_1 L_2 C [h_{ie} - \omega^2 C h_{ie} (L_1 + L_2)]}{[h_{ie} - \omega^2 C h_{ie} (L_1 + L_2)]^2 + \omega^2 L_2^2 C^2}

    (ii)\quad \text{(ii)}

  • The imaginary part of the right-hand side must be zero.

    ω3hfeL1L2C\omega^3 h_{fe} L_1 L_2 C \cdot [hieω2Chie(L1+L2)]=0\left[h_{ie} - \omega^2 C h_{ie} (L_1 + L_2)\right] = 0

    1ω2C(L1+L2)=0i.e.ω=1C(L1+L2)1 - \omega^2 C (L_1 + L_2) = 0 \quad \text{i.e.} \quad \omega = \frac{1}{\sqrt{C(L_1 + L_2)}}

    f=12πC(L1+L2)=12πC(Leq)(iii)f = \frac{1}{2\pi\sqrt{C(L_1 + L_2)}} = \frac{1}{2\pi\sqrt{C(L_{eq})}} \quad \text{(iii)}

  • Equating the magnitudes of both sides of equation (ii) and using ω=1C(L1+L2)\omega = \frac{1}{\sqrt{C(L_1 + L_2)}}, we get:

    hfe=L1L2(iv)h_{fe} = \frac{L_1}{L_2} \quad \text{(iv)}

In practice, L1L_1 and L2L_2 may be wound on a single core so that there exists a mutual inductance between them, denoted as MM.

  • In such a case, the mutual inductance is considered when determining the equivalent inductance LeqL_{eq}. Hence,

    Leq=L1+L2+2M L_{eq} = L_1 + L_2 + 2M

  • If L1L_1 and L2L_2 are assisting each other, the sign of 2M2M is positive, while if L1L_1 and L2L_2 are in series opposition, the sign of 2M2M is negative.

  • The expression for the frequency of the oscillations remains the same as given by equation (iii).


  1. The frequency can be easily varied by a variable capacitor.

  2. The output amplitude remains constant over the frequency range.

  3. The feedback ratio of L1L_1 to L2L_2 remains constant.


  1. The output is rich in harmonics, hence not suitable for pure sine wave requirements.

  2. Poor frequency stability.


  1. Used as a local oscillator in TV and radio receivers.

  2. In function generators.

  3. In radio frequency sources.

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