CS-111 Computer Programming
Teaching Scheme CreditMarks DistributionDuration of End Semester Examination
LTPInternal AssessmentEnd Semester ExaminationTotal


Maximum Marks: 40Maximum Marks: 60100

3 Hours

Minimum Marks: 16Minimum Marks: 2440

Content verified, but consider checking your teacher's materials for potential missing subtopics.

Unit - I

Introduction to C++: C++ character set , C++ Tokens (Identifiers, Keywords, Constants, Operators) , Structure of a C++ Program (include files, main function) , use of I/O operators (< >) , Cascading of I/O operators , compilation, linking and execution. Concept of Data types: Built-in Data types: char , int , float and double; Constants: Integer Constants , Character constants - \n, \t, \b , Floating Point Constants , String Constants; Access modifier: const; Variables of built-in-data types , Declaration/Initialization of variables , Assignment statement , Type modifier: signed , unsigned , long , Operator and Expressions: Operators: Arithmetic operators (-,+,*,/,%) , Unary operator (-) , Increment (++) Decrement (--) , Relation operator (>,>=,< =,=,!=) , Logical operators (!,&&,||), Conditional operator: ?: ; Precedence of Operators; Automatic type conversion in expressions , Type casting ; C++ shorthands (+=,-=,_=,/=,%=). Conditional statements: if else , Nested if , switch case default , use of conditional operator , Nested switch case , break statement; Loops: while , do - while , for and Nested loops. Defining a function ; function prototype , Invoking/calling a function: call by value , call by reference , returning values from a function , scope rules of functions and variables local and global variables

Unit - II

Array, Structure and Class: One Dimensional Array: Declaration/initialization of One-dimensional array , inputting array elements , accessing array elements , Two dimensional Array: Declaration/initialization of a two-dimensional array , inputting array elements accessing array elements , Defining a Structure , declaring structure variables , accessing members of structure , Defining a class , declaring object and accessing class members

Unit - III

Constructor and Destructor: Constructors , Parameterized Constructors , Constructors with default arguments , Friend function , and Friend classes

Inheritance: Derived Class declaration , Public , Private and Protected Inheritance , friend function and Inheritance, Forms of inheritance , virtual base class , Abstract class , Advantage and disadvantage of Inheritance.

Unit - IV

Polymorphism: Classification of Polymorphism , Compile time and Run time Polymorphism , Virtual function , Pure virtual functions

File Handling: Defining and Opening a File , closing a File , reading from a File , Writing into a File . Templates: Need of template , Function Templates

Exception Handling: Exception handling mechanism , Catch Blocks , Catch Throw an exception

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