CHM-111 Applied Chemistry
Teaching Scheme CreditMarks DistributionDuration of End Semester Examination
LTPInternal AssessmentEnd Semester ExaminationTotal


Maximum Marks: 40Maximum Marks: 60100

3 Hours

Minimum Marks: 16Minimum Marks: 2440

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Unit - I

Water Technology: Introduction , Sources , common impurities , Hardness , Degree of hardness and units , water quality parameters and their analysis - Turbidity , TDS , Hardness , Chlorine , Arsenic Test , BOD and COD , Water Softening - Zeolite and Ion-exchange process , Drinking water purification and domestic water purifiers.

Electrochemistry: Specific, equivalent and molar conductivity of electrolytic solutions, Reference Electrodes - Calomel electrode and Ag-AgCl electrode , Ion-selective electrode - Glass electrode , determination of pH of solution using glass electrode , Construction and working of Batteries-Lead acid storage battery , Ni-Cd storage cell , Lithium batteries , fuel cell and Solar cell.

Unit - II

Corrosion Science: Introduction , Chemical and Electrochemical Corrosion , Theory of electrochemical corrosion , Types of Electrochemical Corrosion - Differential aeration corrosion , Pitting Corrosion . Stress Corrosion e.g., Caustic embrittlement. Factors affecting rate of corrosion - Related to metal & related to environment. Control of corrosion.

Spectroscopy Techniques:
UV-Visible Spectroscopy- principle , Lambert-Beer's Law , instrumentation , Electronic Transitions , Auxochromes , Chromophores , Effect of conjugation and solvents on transition of organic molecules , applications.

IR: - Principle , Instrumentation , Fundamental vibrations , Hooke's Law , effect of masses of atoms , bond strength , nature of substituent and hydrogen bonding on Vibrational frequency , applications

Unit - III

Fuels: Classification of fuels , Calorific value - Definition, HCV, LCV , determination of calorific value of solid and liquid fuels using Bomb calorimeter , Ultimate analysis of coal and numerical problems , Petroleum cracking - fluidized bed catalytic cracking . Reformation of petrol , Quality of liquid fuels - Cetane and Octane number , power alcohol-manufacture , advantages and disadvantages , Concept of hydrogen as fuel - types , synthesis by water electrolysis and natural gas reforming .

Chemistry in ICT: Introduction and applications of metal and metal oxides like Si, Ge, Al,, Ti, Ni, Cu, SiO2, La2O3 and ZrO2 in communication and Display devices (liquid crystals based , LED , CRT , alumina-silicate glass based , touch screen) . Disposal of harmful chemicals used in ICT; Hg, Pb, Cd and flame retardant materials.

Unit - IV

Engineering Materials
Polymers: Introduction , Classification , Glass transition temperature , factors affecting Tg and its significances, Synthesis , properties and applications of PP , PVC , PMMA , polyurethanes , Epoxy resins , Silicon Rubber , PET , Lexan , Kevlar.

Conducting Polymers: Introduction-Definition, applications, Mechanism of conduction in polyacetylene.

Nano- Materials: Introduction, Properties of nanomaterials, Graphene, Fullerenes, Carbon nanotubes, nano wires, nano cones, Application of nano-materials.

Page Contents