Colpitts Oscillator

The Colpitts oscillator is similar to the Hartley oscillator, but it uses a different arrangement for the tank circuit components. Instead of using inductors and capacitors in the same configuration as the Hartley oscillator, the Colpitts oscillator swaps their roles.

Working of the Colpitts Oscillator

The figure below shows a Colpitts oscillator using a BJT amplifier stage.

Colpitts Oscillator

In this circuit, the amplifier stage uses a BJT in a common emitter configuration to provide a 180180^\circ phase shift. The resistors R1R_1, R2R_2, and RER_E are biasing resistors.

  • The RFC (radio frequency choke) provides isolation between AC and DC operations. The capacitors CC1C_{C1} and CC2C_{C2} are coupling capacitors. In the feedback circuit, the center tap of C1C_1 and C2C_2 is grounded, providing an additional 180180^\circ phase shift, which satisfies the Barkhausen criterion.

  • In this oscillator:

    • X1=1ωC1X_1 = -\frac{1}{\omega C_1}
    • X2=1ωC2X_2 = -\frac{1}{\omega C_2}
    • X3=ωLX_3 = \omega L
  • For the LC oscillator, the condition is:

    X1+X2+X3=0\quad X_1 + X_2 + X_3 = 0

                  1ωC11ωC2+ωL=0\therefore \; \; \; \; \; \; \; -\frac{1}{\omega C_1} - \frac{1}{\omega C_2} + \omega L = 0

    i.e.ωL=1ω[1C1+1C2]\quad \text{i.e.} \quad \omega L = \frac{1}{\omega} \left[\frac{1}{C_1} + \frac{1}{C_2}\right]

                  ω2=1L[C1C2C1+C2]\therefore \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \omega^2 = \frac{1}{L} \left[\frac{C_1 C_2}{C_1 + C_2}\right]

    whereC1C2C1+C2=Ceq\quad \text{where} \quad \frac{C_1 C_2}{C_1 + C_2} = C_\text{eq}

                  ω=1LCeqi.e.f=12πLCeq\therefore \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \omega = \frac{1}{\sqrt{L C_\text{eq}}} \quad \text{i.e.} \quad f = \frac{1}{2\pi \sqrt{L C_\text{eq}}}

    whereCeq=C1C2C1+C2\text{where} \quad C_\text{eq} = \frac{C_1 C_2}{C_1 + C_2}

To satisfy the magnitude condition of the Barkhausen criterion, the hfeh_{fe} of the BJT used is:

hfe=C2C1h_{fe} = \frac{C_2}{C_1}

Derivation of Frequency of Oscillations

The equivalent circuit and simplified equivalent circuit are shown below.

Colpitts Oscillator

In the simplified equivalent circuit:

V0=hfeIbXC2=jhfeIbωC2V_0 = h_\text{fe} I_b X_{C2} = \frac{-j h_\text{fe} I_b}{\omega C_2}

  • XC2=1jωC2=jωC2X_{C2} = \frac{1}{j \omega C_2} = \frac{-j}{\omega C_2}

  • The total current II is:

    I=V0[XC2+XL]+[XC1hie]I = \frac{-V_0}{[X_{C2} + X_L] + [X_{C1} \parallel h_{ie}]}

    XC2+XL=jωC2+jωL=j(1ω2LC2)ωC2X_{C2} + X_L = \frac{-j}{\omega C_2} + j \omega L = \frac{-j (1 - \omega^2 L C_2)}{\omega C_2}

    XC1hie=jωC1hiejωC1+hieX_{C1} \parallel h_{ie} = \frac{\frac{-j}{\omega C_1} \cdot h_{ie}}{\frac{-j}{\omega C_1} + h_{ie}}

                I=jhfeIbωC2j(1ω2LC2)ωC2+jhiejωC1+hie\therefore \; \; \; \; \; \; I = \frac{\frac{-j h_\text{fe} I_b}{\omega C_2}}{\frac{-j (1 - \omega^2 L C_2)}{\omega C_2} + \frac{j h_{ie}}{\frac{-j}{\omega C_1} + h_{ie}}}

Using the current division rule for parallel elements:

Ib=I×jωC1jωC1+hie=jIj+ωC1hieωC1I_b = I \times \frac{\frac{-j}{\omega C_1}}{\frac{-j}{\omega C_1} + h_{ie}} = \frac{-j I}{\frac{-j + \omega C_1 h_{ie}}{\omega C_1}}

            Ib=j[jhfeIbωC2]j(1ω2LC2)ωC2×jhiejωC1+hie\therefore \; \; \; \; \; \; I_b = \frac{-j \left[\frac{j h_\text{fe} I_b}{\omega C_2}\right]}{\frac{-j (1 - \omega^2 L C_2)}{\omega C_2}} \times \frac{-j h_{ie}}{\frac{-j}{\omega C_1} + h_{ie}}

            1=hfe(1ω2LC2)+jωhie[C1C2ω2LC1C2](i)\therefore \; \; \; \; \; \; 1 = \frac{-h_\text{fe}}{(1 - \omega^2 L C_2) + j \omega h_{ie} [C_1 C_2 - \omega^2 L C_1 C_2]} \quad \text{(i)}

To have the imaginary part of the above equation equal to zero:

C1+C2ω2LC1C2=0C_1 + C_2 - \omega^2 L C_1 C_2 = 0

i.e.ω2=C1+C2LC1C2=1L[C1C2C1+C2]\text{i.e.} \quad \omega^2 = \frac{C_1 + C_2}{L C_1 C_2} = \frac{1}{L \left[\frac{C_1 C_2}{C_1 + C_2}\right]}

            ω=1LCeqandf=12πLCeq\therefore \; \; \; \; \; \; \omega = \frac{1}{\sqrt{L C_\text{eq}}} \quad \text{and} \quad f = \frac{1}{2\pi \sqrt{L C_\text{eq}}}

Substituting this result for ω\omega into equation (i) for hfeh_{fe} and equating magnitudes of both sides:

hfe=C2C1h_{fe} = \frac{C_2}{C_1}


  • The Colpitts oscillator can generate sinusoidal signals of very high frequencies.
  • It has good temperature stability.
  • Frequency stability is high.
  • The frequency can be varied using both variable capacitors.
  • Fewer components are required.
  • The amplitude of the output remains constant over a fixed frequency range.


  • Adjusting the feedback can be challenging.
  • It has relatively poor isolation.


  • The Colpitts oscillator is used as a high-frequency sine wave generator.
  • It can be used as a temperature sensor with additional circuitry.
  • Commonly used as a local oscillator in radio receivers.
  • Used as an RF oscillator.
  • Applied in mobile communications and other commercial applications.
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