Transistor Biasing and Bias Stabilization

Operating Point

The proper flow of zero signal collector current and the maintenance of proper collector-emitter voltage during the passage of a signal is known as Transistor Biasing. The circuit that provides transistor biasing is called a Biasing Circuit.

Need for DC biasing

If a signal of very small voltage is applied to the input of a BJT, it cannot be amplified. This is because, for a BJT to amplify a signal, two conditions must be met:

  • The input voltage should exceed the cut-in voltage for the transistor to be ON.
  • The BJT should be in the active region to operate as an amplifier.

If appropriate DC voltages and currents are supplied to the BJT by external sources, ensuring the BJT operates in the active region while superimposing the AC signals to be amplified, this problem can be avoided. The given DC voltage and currents are chosen so that the transistor remains in the active region throughout the entire input AC cycle. Hence, DC biasing is necessary.

The below figure shows a transistor amplifier that is provided with DC biasing in both input and output circuits.


Operating Point

When a line is drawn connecting the saturation and cutoff points, it is called a Load Line. This line, when drawn over the output characteristic curve, intersects at a point known as the Operating Point.

This operating point is also called the quiescent point or simply the Q-point. There can be many such intersecting points, but the Q-point is selected in such a way that, irrespective of the AC signal swing, the transistor remains in the active region.

Operating Point

The operating point should not get disturbed, as it must remain stable to achieve faithful amplification. Hence, the quiescent point or Q-point is the value where Faithful Amplification is achieved.

Factors affecting the operating point

The main factor that affects the operating point is temperature. The operating point shifts due to changes in temperature.

As temperature increases, the values of ICEI_{CE}, β\beta, and VBEV_{BE} are affected.

So, the main problem affecting the operating point is temperature. Hence, the operating point should be made independent of temperature to achieve stability. To achieve this, biasing circuits are introduced.

Stability Factor

The process of making the operating point independent of temperature changes or variations in transistor parameters is known as Stabilization.

Once stabilization is achieved, the values of ICI_C and VCEV_{CE} become independent of temperature variations or transistor replacement. A good biasing circuit helps in the stabilization of the operating point.

Need for Stabilization

Stabilization of the operating point is necessary due to the following reasons:

  • Temperature dependence of ICI_C
  • Individual variations
  • Thermal runaway
  1. Temperature Dependence of ICI_C

    The expression for collector current ICI_C is:

    IC=βIB+ICEO=βIB+(β+1)ICBOI_C = \beta I_B + I_{CEO} = \beta I_B + (\beta + 1)I_{CBO}

    The collector leakage current ICBOI_{CBO} is greatly influenced by temperature variations. To counter this, the biasing conditions are set so that the zero signal collector current IC=1mAI_C = 1 mA. Therefore, the operating point needs to be stabilized, i.e., it is necessary to keep ICI_C constant.

  2. Individual Variations

    As the value of β\beta and the value of VBEV_{BE} are not the same for every transistor, whenever a transistor is replaced, the operating point tends to change. Hence, it is necessary to stabilize the operating point.

  3. Thermal Runaway

    The expression for collector current ICI_C is:

    IC=βIB+ICEO=βIB+(β+1)ICBOI_C = \beta I_B + I_{CEO} = \beta I_B + (\beta + 1)I_{CBO}

    The flow of collector current, along with the collector leakage current, causes heat dissipation. If the operating point is not stabilized, a cumulative effect occurs, increasing this heat dissipation.

    The self-destruction of such an unstabilized transistor is known as Thermal Runaway.

    To avoid thermal runaway and the destruction of the transistor, it is necessary to stabilize the operating point, i.e., to keep ICI_C constant.

Stability Factor

It is understood that ICI_C should be kept constant despite variations in ICBOI_{CBO} or ICOI_{CO}. The extent to which a biasing circuit is successful in maintaining this is measured by the Stability Factor, denoted by SS.

By definition, the rate of change of collector current ICI_C with respect to the collector leakage current ICOI_{CO} at constant β\beta and IBI_B is called the Stability Factor.

S=dICdICO S = \frac{dI_C}{dI_{CO}}

at constant IBI_B and β\beta

Hence, we can understand that any change in collector leakage current greatly affects the collector current. The stability factor should be as low as possible so that the collector current doesn’t get affected. S=1S=1 is the ideal value.

The general expression of the stability factor for a CE configuration can be obtained as follows:

IC=βIB+(β+1)ICO I_C = \beta I_B + (\beta + 1)I_{CO}

Differentiating the above expression with respect to ICI_C, we get:

1=βdIBdIC+(β+1)dICOdIC 1 = \beta \frac{dI_B}{dI_C} + (\beta + 1)\frac{dI_{CO}}{dI_C}


1=βdIBdIC+(β+1)S 1 = \beta \frac{dI_B}{dI_C} + \frac{(\beta + 1)}{S}


dICOdIC=1S \frac{dI_{CO}}{dI_C} = \frac{1}{S}


S=β+11β(dIBdIC) S = \frac{\beta + 1}{1− \beta (\frac{dI_B}{dI_C})}

Hence the stability factor SS depends on β\beta, IBI_B and ICI_C.

Methods of Transistor Biasing

Biasing in transistor circuits is typically done using two DC sources: VBBV_{BB} and VCCV_{CC}. However, it is more economical to minimize the number of DC sources to one, which also simplifies the circuit.

The commonly used methods of transistor biasing are:

  • Fixed bias circuit (Single Base Resistor Biasing) or base bias
  • Collector-to-base bias
  • Biasing with collector feedback resistor
  • Voltage-divider bias circuit (V.D.B) or self-bias
  • Emitter bias or modified fixed bias circuit

All of these methods share the basic principle of obtaining the required value of IBI_B and ICI_C from VCCV_{CC} under zero signal conditions.

Fixed Bias Circuit (Single Base Resistor Biasing) or Base Bias

In this method, as the name implies, a resistor RBR_B with high resistance is connected to the base. The required zero signal base current is provided by VCCV_{CC}, which flows through RBR_B. The base-emitter junction is forward biased since the base is positive with respect to the emitter.

The required value of zero signal base current and, consequently, the collector current (since IC=βIBI_C = \beta I_B) can be achieved by selecting the appropriate value of the base resistor RBR_B. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the value of RBR_B. The figure below shows the base resistor method of biasing.


Let ICI_C be the required zero signal collector current. Therefore:

IB=ICβI_B = \frac{I_C}{\beta}

Considering the closed circuit from VCCV_{CC} through the base, emitter, and ground, and applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law, we get:





RB=VCCVBEIBR_B = \frac{V_{CC} − V_{BE}}{I_B}

Since VBEV_{BE} is generally quite small compared to VCCV_{CC}, it can be neglected with minimal error. Then:

RB=VCCIBR_B = \frac{V_{CC}}{I_B}

We know that VCCV_{CC} is a fixed, known quantity, and IBI_B is chosen at a suitable value. Since RBR_B can be found directly, this method is called the fixed bias method.

Stability Factor

The stability factor SS is given by:

S=β+11β(dIBdIC)S = \frac{\beta + 1}{1 − \beta\left(\frac{dI_B}{dI_C}\right)}

In the fixed-bias method of biasing, IBI_B is independent of ICI_C, so:

dIBdIC=0\frac{dI_B}{dI_C} = 0

Substituting this value into the equation, the stability factor becomes:

S=β+1S = \beta + 1

Thus, the stability factor in a fixed bias circuit is β+1\beta + 1, which means that ICI_C changes β+1\beta + 1 times as much as any change in ICOI_{CO}.


  • The circuit is simple.
  • Only one resistor RBR_B is required.
  • Biasing conditions are easily set.
  • There is no loading effect, as no resistor is present at the base-emitter junction.


  • Stabilization is poor, as heat development cannot be controlled.
  • The stability factor is very high, increasing the risk of thermal runaway.

Collector-to-Base Bias

The collector-to-base bias circuit is similar to the base bias circuit, except that the base resistor RBR_B is connected to the collector rather than the VCCV_{CC} supply.

Collector to Base Bias

This circuit helps improve stability significantly. If the value of ICI_C increases, the voltage across RLR_L increases, which in turn reduces the base current IBI_B. This action compensates for the original increase in ICI_C.

The required value of RBR_B needed to provide the zero signal collector current ICI_C can be calculated as follows:

The voltage drop across RLR_L will be:

VRL=(IC+IB)RLICRLV_{R_L} = (I_C + I_B) R_L ≅ I_C R_L

From the figure:





RB=VCCVBEICRLIBR_B = \frac{V_{CC} − V_{BE} − I_C R_L}{I_B}


RB=(VCCVBEICRL)βICR_B = \frac{(V_{CC} − V_{BE} − I_C R_L) \beta}{I_C}

Applying Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (KVL):

(IB+IC)RL+IBRB+VBE=VCC(I_B + I_C) R_L + I_B R_B + V_{BE} = V_{CC}


IB(RL+RB)+ICRL+VBE=VCCI_B (R_L + R_B) + I_C R_L + V_{BE} = V_{CC}


IB=VCCVBEICRLRL+RBI_B = \frac{V_{CC} − V_{BE} − I_C R_L}{R_L + R_B}

Since VBEV_{BE} is almost independent of collector current, we get:

dIBdIC=RLRL+RB\frac{dI_B}{dI_C} = − \frac{R_L}{R_L + R_B}

We know that:

S=1+β1β(dIBdIC)S = \frac{1 +\beta}{1− \beta \left(\frac{dI_B}{dI_C}\right)}


S=1+β1+β(RLRL+RB)S = \frac{1 + \beta}{1 + \beta \left(\frac{R_L}{R_L + R_B}\right)}

This value is smaller than (1+β)(1 + \beta), which is obtained for the fixed bias circuit, indicating an improvement in stability.

This circuit provides negative feedback, which reduces the gain of the amplifier. Thus, the increased stability of the collector-to-base bias circuit is obtained at the cost of AC voltage gain.

Advantages of the Collector-to-Base Bias Circuit:

  • Simple circuit design.
  • Provides some stabilization of the operating point.
  • Requires only one resistor at the base.
  • Reduced sensitivity to transistor variations.
  • Lower sensitivity to power supply changes.

Disadvantages of the Collector-to-Base Bias Circuit:

  • Does not provide optimal stabilization, as the stability factor is high.
  • Negative feedback reduces the gain of the amplifier.
  • Dependency on component matching.
  • More complex compared to fixed bias circuits.
  • Limited use in certain applications with specific voltage requirements.

Biasing with Collector Feedback Resistor

In this method, the base resistor RBR_B has one end connected to the base and the other to the collector, as the name implies. In this circuit, the zero signal base current is determined by VCBV_{CB} rather than by VCCV_{CC}.

VCBV_{CB} forward-biases the base-emitter junction, causing base current IBI_B to flow through RBR_B, which in turn causes the zero signal collector current to flow in the circuit. The figure below shows the biasing with a collector feedback resistor circuit.

Biasing with collector feedback

The required value of RBR_B needed to provide the zero signal collector current ICI_C can be determined as follows:



RB=VCCVBEICRCIBR_B = \frac{V_{CC} − V_{BE} − I_C R_C}{I_B}

=VCCVBEβIBRCIB= \frac{V_{CC} − V_{BE}− \beta I_B R_C}{I_B}


IC=βIBI_C = \beta I_B






RB=VCBIB=VCEVBEIBR_B = \frac{V_{CB}}{I_B} = \frac{V_{CE} − V_{BE}}{I_B}


IB=ICβI_B = \frac{I_C}{\beta}

Mathematically, the stability factor is:

S<(β+1)S < (\beta + 1)

Therefore, this method provides better thermal stability than the fixed bias method.

The Q-point values for the circuit are:

IC=VCCVBERB/β+RCI_C = \frac{V_{CC} − V_{BE}}{R_B/\beta + R_C}



  • The circuit is simple, requiring only one resistor.
  • Provides some stabilization for lesser changes.


  • The circuit does not provide strong stabilization.
  • The circuit provides negative feedback, which reduces the gain.

Voltage-Divider Bias Circuit (V.D.B) or Self-Bias

Among all methods of providing biasing and stabilization, the voltage-divider bias method is the most commonly used. In this method, two resistors R1R_1 and R2R_2 are connected to VCCV_{CC} to provide biasing, while the resistor RER_E in the emitter provides stabilization.

The name "voltage divider" comes from the voltage divider formed by R1R_1 and R2R_2. The voltage drop across R2R_2 forward-biases the base-emitter junction, which causes the base current and hence the collector current to flow under zero signal conditions. The figure below shows the circuit of the voltage-divider bias method.

Voltage divider bias

Suppose the current flowing through resistance R1R_1 is I1I_1. Since the base current IBI_B is very small, it can be assumed with reasonable accuracy that the current flowing through R2R_2 is also I1I_1.

Collector Current, ICI_C:

From the circuit, it is evident that:

I1=VCCR1+R2I_1 = \frac{V_{CC}}{R_1 + R_2}

Therefore, the voltage across resistance R2R_2 is:

V2=(VCCR1+R2)R2V_2 = \left(\frac{V_{CC}}{R_1 + R_2}\right) R_2

Applying Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL) to the base circuit:

V2=VBE+VEV_2 = V_{BE} + V_E

V2=VBE+IEREV_2 = V_{BE} + I_E R_E

IE=V2VBEREI_E = \frac{V_2 − V_{BE}}{R_E}

Since IEICI_E ≈ I_C:

IC=V2VBEREI_C = \frac{V_2 − V_{BE}}{R_E}

From the above expression, it is evident that ICI_C doesn’t depend on β\beta. VBEV_{BE} is very small, so ICI_C doesn’t get affected by VBEV_{BE} at all. Thus, ICI_C in this circuit is almost independent of transistor parameters, and good stabilization is achieved.

Collector-Emitter Voltage, VCEV_{CE}

Applying KVL to the collector side:


Since IEICI_E ≅ I_C:


=IC(RC+RE)+VCE= I_C(R_C + R_E) + V_{CE}


VCE=VCCIC(RC+RE)V_{CE} = V_{CC} − I_C (R_C + R_E)

RER_E provides excellent stabilization in this circuit.

V2=VBE+ICREV_2 = V_{BE} + I_C R_E

Suppose there is a rise in temperature; the collector current ICI_C increases, which causes the voltage drop across RER_E to increase. As the voltage drop across R2R_2 is V2V_2, which is independent of ICI_C, the value of VBEV_{BE} decreases. The reduced value of IBI_B tends to restore ICI_C to its original value.

Stability Factor

The equation for the Stability Factor of this circuit is obtained as:

Stability Factor:

S=(β+1)(R0+RE)R0+RE+βRES = \frac{(\beta + 1)(R_0 + R_E)}{R_0 + R_E + \beta R_E}

=(β+1)×1+R0REβ+1+R0RE= (\beta + 1) \times \frac{1 + \frac{R_0}{R_E}}{\beta + 1 + \frac{R_0}{R_E}}


R0=R1R2R1+R2R_0 = \frac{R_1 R_2}{R_1 + R_2}

If the ratio R0RE\frac{R_0}{R_E} is very small, then R0RE\frac{R_0}{R_E} can be neglected compared to 1, and the stability factor becomes:

Stability Factor:

S=(β+1)×1β+1=1S = (\beta + 1) \times \frac{1}{\beta + 1} = 1

This is the smallest possible value of SS and leads to the maximum possible thermal stability.

Emitter Bias or Modified Fixed Bias Circuit

In this configuration, a resistor RER_E is added from the emitter to the ground terminal of the fixed bias circuit. This is done to improve the stability of the circuit.

Modified fixed bias

Base Circuit:

Applying KVL to this circuit:





IC=βIBI_C = \beta I_B

Substituting the value of ICI_C into IEI_E, we get:

IE=IB+βIBI_E = I_B + \beta I_B

Now, substituting the value of IEI_E into VCCV_{CC}:

VCC=IBRB+VBE+(βIB+IB)REV_{CC} = I_B R_B + V_{BE} + (\beta I_B + I_B) R_E

=IB(RB+βRE+RE)+VBE= I_B(R_B + \beta R_E + R_E) + V_{BE}

IB=(VCCVBE)(RB+βRE+RE)\therefore I_B = \frac{(V_{CC} - V_{BE})}{(R_B + \beta R_E + R_E)}

Collector Circuit:

Applying KVL to this circuit:


Since IE=IB+ICI_E = I_B + I_C:

VCC=ICRC+VCE+(βIB+IB)REV_{CC} = I_C R_C + V_{CE} + (\beta I_B + I_B) R_E



IC=βIBI_C = \beta I_B

IC=β[(VCCVBE)(RB+βRE+RE)]\therefore I_C = \beta \left[\frac{(V_{CC} - V_{BE})}{(R_B + \beta R_E + R_E)}\right]

Advantages of the Modified Fixed Bias Circuit:

  • The addition of the emitter resistor RER_E provides improved stability.
  • It offers a high voltage gain.
  • It is a simple circuit with enhanced stabilization.
  • Reduced sensitivity to transistor variations.
  • It strikes a balance between simplicity and performance.

Disadvantages of the Modified Fixed Bias Circuit:

  • The operating point can be affected by changes in temperature.
  • It requires the use of a dual polarity power supply.
  • Limited voltage range.
  • Potential issues with component matching.
  • More complex than a simple fixed bias circuit.
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