PHY-111 Applied Physics
Teaching Scheme CreditMarks DistributionDuration of End Semester Examination
LTPInternal AssessmentEnd Semester ExaminationTotal


Maximum Marks: 40Maximum Marks: 60100

3 Hours

Minimum Marks: 16Minimum Marks: 2440

Unit - I

DC Circuits: Kirchhoff's voltage and current laws ; power dissipation ; Voltage source and current source ; Mesh and Nodal analysis ; Star-delta transformation ; Superposition theorem , Thevenin's theorem ; Norton's theorem ; Maximum power transfer theorem ; Millman's theorem and Reciprocity theorem ; Transient response of series RL and RC circuits.

Unit - II

Steady state analysis of DC Circuits: The ideal capacitor , permittivity; the multi- plate capacitor , variable capacitor; capacitor charging and discharging , current-voltage relationship , time-constant , rise-time , fall-time , inductor energization and de- energization , inductance current-voltage relationship , time-constant; Transient responseof RL , RC and RLC Circuits

Unit - III

AC Circuits: Sinusoidal sources , RC , RL and RLC circuits , Concept of Phasors, Phasor representation of circuit elements , Complex notation representation , Single phase AC Series and parallel circuits , power dissipation in AC circuits , power factor correction , Resonance in series and parallel circuits , Balanced and unbalanced 3-phase circuit - voltage, current and power relations , 3-phase power measurement , Comparison of single phase and three phase supply systems.

Electromagnetism: Electromagnetic induction , Dot convention , Equivalent inductance , Analysis of Magnetic circuits , AC excitation of magnetic circuit , Iron Losses , Fringing and stacking , applications: solenoids and relays.

Unit - IV

Single Phase Transformers: Constructional features of transformer , operating principle and applications , equivalent circuit , phasor analysis and calculation of performance indices.

Motors and Generators: DC motor operating principle , construction , energy transfer , speed torque relationship , conversion efficiency , applications , DC generator operating principle , reversal of energy transfer , EMF and speed relationship , applications.

Page Contents