PHY-111 Applied Physics
Teaching Scheme CreditMarks DistributionDuration of End Semester Examination
LTPInternal AssessmentEnd Semester ExaminationTotal


Maximum Marks: 40Maximum Marks: 60100

3 Hours

Minimum Marks: 16Minimum Marks: 2440

Unit - I

Theory of Relativity: Inertial and non - inertial frames of reference , earth as an inertial frame of reference , Michelson and Morley experiment , Postulates of special theory of relativity, Galilean and Lorentz transformations , Time dilation and length contraction , Relativistic kinematics and mass-energy equivalence.

Laser: Introduction , Characteristics of lasers , Spontaneous and stimulated emission of radiation , Einstein's coefficients, Population inversion , Ruby laser , Helium-Neon lasers & Semiconductor Lasers , Applications of laser in industry , Scientific and medical fields.

Unit - II

Oscillations: Simple harmonic motion (SHM) , Differential equation of SHM , Energy of SHM , Damped and Forced Oscillations , Relaxation Time , Quality Factor , Resonance , Sharpness of Resonance.

Fiber Optics: Fundamental ideas about optical fiber , Propagation mechanism , Acceptance angle and acceptance cone , Numerical aperture , Propagation Mechanism and communication in fiber , Single and Multi-Mode Fibers , Step index and Graded index fiber , Attenuation and losses , Applications of optical fibers.

Unit - III

Quantum Mechanics: De Broglie waves , Phase and Group velocity concept , Uncertainty principle and its applications , Wave function , Postulates of quantum mechanics , Derivation of Schrodinger equation for time independent and time dependent cases and its applications viz. Particle in one dimensional box .

X-rays: X-rays production , hard and soft x-rays , Continuous and characteristics x-rays , Bremsstrahlung effect

Unit - IV

Electrodynamics: Equation of continuity , displacement current , Maxwell's equations , wave equation for electromagnetic radiation , electromagnetic wave propagation in free space and isotropic dielectric medium , Poynting vector & Poynting theorem.

Superconductivity: Introduction and discovery of superconductivity , Meissner effect , Type-I and type-IIP superconductors , Isotope effect , BCS theory (qualitative) , High temperature superconductors , Applications of superconductivity.

Page Contents