HS-111 Communication Skills
Teaching Scheme CreditMarks DistributionDuration of End Semester Examination
LTPInternal AssessmentEnd Semester ExaminationTotal


Maximum Marks: 40Maximum Marks: 60100

3 Hours

Minimum Marks: 16Minimum Marks: 2440

Unit - I

Essentials of communication: The meaning , types & process of communication , Barriers to communication and removal of these barriers , Shannon & weaver model of communication , Berlos' model of communication , The Seven Cs of Effective Communication - Completeness , Conciseness , Consideration , Concreteness , Clarity , Courtesy , Correctness , Types of information - order , advise, suggestion , motivation , persuasion , warning and education. Mass Communication - function of mass communication - Media of mass communication , Advantages and disadvantages of social media

Unit - II

Essentials of Grammar: Types of sentences: Declarative Sentence, Imperative Sentence, Interrogative Sentence, Exclamatory Sentence , simple, compound & complex sentences , conversion of one type of sentence into other , Parts of speech , Tenses , articles and prepositions , Model Auxiliaries Types of diction , ways to improve diction , Paragraph writing.

Unit - III

Technical Communication: Report writing: Characteristics of a good report , parts & types of reports , drafting of reports. Business letters: planning a business letter , parts of a letter , classification of business letters - inviting and sending quotations , letter placing orders , letter of complaint , letter of adjustment , and letter of Job , letter negotiating a job offer and Resume writing , Drafting memorandum , notices , agenda and minutes of meeting , preparing effective e- mail messages and power-point presentations

Unit - IV

Soft skills & personality development: Soft skills: Classification of soft skills , Delivering effective presentations , Capturing audience , Impromptu speech , speech initiators , telephone etiquette - Good practice when making and receiving a call ; Becoming a good leader and team-player , Personal SWOT analysis , body language , Types of interviews , preparing for a job interview , Strategies for managing emotions & controlling Stress.

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