Let me be very clear: math is all about practice, and there are no shortcuts. So, please refer to BRILLIANT MATHEMATICS FOR B.C.A. SEMESTER-III (H.P.U.) book for theory and practice questions. Here, I can only provide video links to help you understand the topic.🙂

Review of First Order Differential Equations

Differential Equation - An equation that contains the derivative of one or more dependent variables with respect to one or more independent variables is called a differential equation.

  • Order of a Differential Equation - It is the degree of the highest derivative appearing in it.
  • Degree of a Differential Equation - It is the degree of the highest derivative occurring in it, after the equation has been expressed in a form free from radicals and fractions as far as the derivatives are concerned.

Click here to open youtube playlist containing 20 numericals on First Order Differential Equation by Tikles Academy.

Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE): A differential equation that contains ordinary derivatives of one or more dependent variables with respect to a single independent variable is called an ordinary differential equation.

Partial Differential Equation (PDE): A differential equation that involves partial derivatives with respect to more than one independent variable is called a partial differential equation.

Formation of Differential Equation

Write down the given equation.

Differentiate it with respect to x as many times as the number of arbitrary constants.

Eliminate the arbitrary constants from the given equation and the equation obtained in step 2. The resulting equation is the required differential equation.

Click here to open youtube playlist containing 5 numericals on formation of differential equation by Tikles Academy.

Exact Differential Equations

A differential equation of the form M(x,y)dx+N(x,y)dy=0M(x,y)dx + N(x,y)dy = 0 is said to be exact if its left-hand member is the exact diffrential of some function u(x,y)u(x,y) i.e., du=Mdx+Ndy=0du = Mdx + Ndy = 0. Its solution, therefore, is the implicit equation u(x,y)=cu(x,y) = c, where cc is a constant.

It is not a single video but a playlist, and it contains five videos. When one video finishes, the next will play automatically.

Click here to open youtube playlist containing 14 numericals on exact differential equation by Tikles Academy.

Equation Reducible To Exact Differential Equation

If Mdx+Ndy=0Mdx + Ndy = 0 is a homogeneous equation in x and y , then Integrating Factor (IF)=1Mx+Ny(IF) = \frac{1}{Mx + Ny} , provided that Mx+Ny!=0Mx + Ny\: != 0

It is not a single video but a playlist, and it contains nine videos. When one video finishes, the next will play automatically.

Second and Higher Order Linear Differential Equations With Constant Coefficients

It is not a single video but a playlist, and it contains fifteen videos. When one video finishes, the next will play automatically.

Cauchy's & Legendre's Homogeneous Differential Equations

It is not a single video but a playlist, and it contains eight videos. When one video finishes, the next will play automatically.

Method of Variation of Parameters

The Method of Variation of Parameters is another technique for finding the particular integral of a linear differential equation when its complementary function is known. This method is general, but it is typically applied to second-order differential equations.

Consider a second-order differential equation in the form:

d2ydx2+adydx+by=Q(x)\frac{d^2y}{dx^2} + a\frac{dy}{dx} + by = Q(x)

Where aa and bb are constants, and Q(x)Q(x) represents a function of xx.

The Method of Variation of Parameters is a more versatile approach, but it has some drawbacks. First, it is essential to have the complementary solution to solve the problem. This is in contrast to other methods, such as the method of undetermined coefficients, where having the complementary solution is advisable but not necessary. Second, the method may involve integrals, and it is not guaranteed that these integrals can always be evaluated. Therefore, while it is possible to write down a formula to obtain the particular solution, practical difficulties may arise if the integrals are complex or if the complementary solution cannot be found.

It is not a single video but a playlist, and it contains four videos. When one video finishes, the next will play automatically.

Click here to open youtube playlist containing 10 more numericals on Method of variation of parameters by Tikles Academy.

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