Strings in Python

In Python, a string is a sequence of characters enclosed in quotes. Strings are a fundamental data type used to represent text-based data and are versatile in various applications, including text processing, data manipulation, and user interactions. Python provides several methods and features for creating and storing strings efficiently.

Creating Strings

  1. Using Single Quotes

    You can create a string by enclosing characters within single quotes ('). For example:

    my_string = 'Hello, Students!'
  2. Using Double Quotes

    Similarly, double quotes (") can also be used to create strings:

    my_string = "Hello, Students!"
  3. Using Triple Quotes

    Triple quotes (''' or """) are used for creating multi-line strings. They are particularly useful for writing long text or docstrings:

    multi_line_string = '''This is a
    multi-line string that spans
    multiple lines.'''


    multi_line_string = """This is another way to
    create a multi-line string
    in Python."""
  4. Single Character String

    A string can also contain a single character:

    single_char_string = "E"
  5. Empty Strings

    Strings can be empty, meaning they contain no characters:

    empty_string1 = ""
    empty_string2 = ''
  6. Quotes Within Quotes

    • A string enclosed in double quotes can contain single quotes:

      single_within_double_quote = "Opportunities don't happen. You create them."
    • A string enclosed in single quotes can contain double quotes:

      double_within_single_quote = 'Why did she call eniv "smart"?'
  7. Escaping Quotes

    To include the same type of quotation mark inside a string as the one used to enclose it, use a backslash (\) to escape it:

    same_quotes = 'I\'ve an idea'
    print(same_quotes)   # I've an idea

Storing Strings

Strings in Python are immutable, meaning once created, their content cannot be changed. When you assign a string to a variable, Python stores it in memory and reuses it when the same string is referenced again. This behavior is called string interning, which helps in optimizing memory usage.

Strings are typically stored in variables, allowing you to manipulate or access the text data. For example:

greeting = "Hello"
name = "Eniv"
message = greeting + ", " + name + "!"
print(message)     # Hello, Eniv!

Basic String Operations in Python

Python provides a range of operations to manipulate and work with strings. These include concatenation, repetition, and membership testing. Here’s an overview of these basic string operations:


Concatenation is the process of combining two or more strings into one. This can be achieved using the + operator.

  1. Simple Concatenation

    You can concatenate strings by using the + operator:

    string_1 = "You"
    string_2 = "tube"
    concatenated_string = string_1 + string_2
    print(concatenated_string)  # Outputs: Youtube
  2. Concatenation with Space

    To include a space between concatenated strings, simply add a string with a space:

    concatenated_string_with_space = "Hi " + "Students"
    print(concatenated_string_with_space)  # Outputs: Hi Students
  3. Concatenating Different Data Types

    Python does not support direct concatenation of strings with other data types like integers. Attempting to do so will result in a TypeError:

    # This will raise an error
    singer = 50 + "cent"
    # Output: TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'

    To concatenate an integer with a string, convert the integer to a string first:

    singer = str(50) + "cent"
    print(singer)  # Outputs: 50cent


You can repeat a string multiple times using the * operator. This creates a new string that consists of the original string repeated a specified number of times.

String Repetition

Multiply a string by an integer to repeat it:

repetition_of_string = "eniv" * 3
print(repetition_of_string)  # Outputs: eniveniveniv

Membership Testing

You can check if a string contains a specific substring using the in and not in operators. These operators return a Boolean value (True or False).

  1. Checking for Presence with in

    The in operator evaluates to True if the substring is found within the string:

    eniv_string = "eniv is a good boy"
    eniv_sub_string = "eniv"
    print(eniv_sub_string in eniv_string)  # Outputs: True
  2. Checking for Absence with not in

    The not in operator evaluates to True if the substring is not found within the string:

    eniv_string = "eniv is a good boy"
    another_eniv_string = "justin"
    print(another_eniv_string not in eniv_string)  # Outputs: True


Strings can be compared using various comparison operators (>, <, <=, >=, ==, !=). Python compares strings based on their ASCII values.

  1. String Comparison

    print("january" == "jane")   # Outputs: False
    print("january" != "jane")   # Outputs: True
    print("january" < "jane")    # Outputs: False
    print("january" > "jane")    # Outputs: True
    print("january" <= "jane")   # Outputs: False
    print("january" >= "jane")   # Outputs: True
    print("filled" > "")         # Outputs: True
    • Python compares strings character by character based on ASCII values. For example, since 'u' has a higher ASCII value than 'e', "january" is considered greater than "jane".
    • Strings can also be compared against an empty string, with non-empty strings being greater.

Built-In Functions for Strings

Python provides several built-in functions to perform operations on strings:

  1. len(): Returns the number of characters in a string, including spaces.

    count_characters = len("eniv")
    print(count_characters)  # Outputs: 4
  2. max(): Returns the character with the highest ASCII value in the string.

    max_char = max("eniv")
    print(max_char)  # Outputs: v
  3. min(): Returns the character with the lowest ASCII value in the string.

    min_char = min("eniv")
    print(min_char)  # Outputs: e

Accessing Characters in a String by Index Number

In Python, each character in a string is assigned an index number, which allows you to access individual characters. Indices start from 0 and go up to one less than the length of the string. You can also use negative indices to access characters from the end of the string.

Positive Indexing

Positive indexing starts from 0 and moves to the right. Here’s how you can access characters using positive indices:

  1. Accessing Characters by Positive Index

    word_phrase = "be yourself"
    print(word_phrase[0])  # Outputs: b
    print(word_phrase[1])  # Outputs: e
    print(word_phrase[2])  # Outputs: ' '
    print(word_phrase[3])  # Outputs: y
    print(word_phrase[10]) # Outputs: f
  2. Index Out of Range

    If you try to access an index that is beyond the length of the string, Python will raise an IndexError:

    # This will raise an error
    print(word_phrase[11])  # Output: IndexError: string index out of range

    Index numbers start from 0 and go up to len(string) - 1. If the index provided is greater than or equal to the length of the string, it results in an IndexError.

Negative Indexing

Negative indexing allows you to access characters from the end of the string, starting with -1 for the last character, -2 for the second last, and so forth.

Accessing Characters by Negative Index

word_phrase = "be yourself"
print(word_phrase[-1])  # Outputs: f
print(word_phrase[-2])  # Outputs: l
print(word_phrase[-3])  # Outputs: e

Negative indices are particularly useful when you need to access characters at the end of a long string.

Index Breakdown Example

Here's a table that visualizes the positive and negative indices for the string "be yourself":

CharacterPositive IndexNegative Index

String Slicing and Joining in Python

Strings in Python can be sliced and joined to extract substrings or concatenate sequences of strings. These operations are essential for manipulating and processing textual data effectively.

String Slicing

String slicing allows you to access specific parts of a string using a range of index numbers. The syntax for string slicing is:

  • start: The index where slicing begins (inclusive).
  • end: The index where slicing ends (exclusive).
  • step: Optional parameter that specifies the number of characters to skip.


  1. Basic Slicing
    healthy_drink = "green tea"
    # Extract characters from index 0 to 3
    # Output: 'gre'
    # Extract characters from the beginning up to index 5
    # Output: 'green'
    # Extract characters from index 6 to the end
    # Output: 'tea'
    # Extract the entire string
    # Output: 'green tea'
    # Extract characters where the start index is equal to the end index
    # Output: ''
    # Extract characters from index 6 to 20 (stopping at the end of the string)
    # Output: 'tea'

    In these examples:

    • healthy_drink[0:3] extracts characters from index 0 up to, but not including, index 3.
    • healthy_drink[:5] extracts from the beginning of the string up to index 5.
    • healthy_drink[6:] extracts from index 6 to the end of the string.
    • healthy_drink[:] returns the entire string.
    • healthy_drink[4:4] returns an empty string since the start and end indices are the same.
    • healthy_drink[6:20] extracts from index 6 up to the end of the string, even though the end index is beyond the string's length.
  2. Negative Indexing

    Negative indexing allows you to start counting from the end of the string. For example:

    healthy_drink = "green tea"
    # Extract characters from index -3 to -1
    # Output: 'te'
    # Extract characters from index 6 to -1
    # Output: 'te'
    • healthy_drink[-3:-1] extracts characters starting from the third last character up to, but not including, the last character.
    • healthy_drink[6:-1] extracts characters from index 6 up to the second last character.
  3. Specifying Steps

    The step argument in slicing allows you to skip characters:

    newspaper = "new york times"
    # Extract every 4th character from index 0 to 12
    # Output: 'ny'
    # Extract every 4th character from the entire string
    # Output: 'ny e'
    • newspaper[0:12:4] extracts every 4th character from the beginning up to index 12.
    • newspaper[::4] extracts every 4th character from the entire string.

Joining Strings

Joining strings involves concatenating a sequence of strings with a specified separator. The join() method is used for this purpose. Its syntax is:


Where sequence can be a list of strings or another string.


  1. Joining a List of Strings

    date_of_birth = ["15", "10", "2002"]
    # Join the list items with ":" as separator
    date_string = ":".join(date_of_birth)
    # Output: 15:10:2002
    web_app = ["hptu", "exam", "helper", "is", "created", "by", "eniv", "studios"]
    # Join the list items with " " as separator
    web_string = " ".join(web_app)
    # Output: hptu exam helper is created by eniv studios
    • ":".join(date_of_birth) joins the list items with ":" as the separator.
    • " ".join(web_app) joins the list items with a space as the separator.
  2. Joining Strings with Another String

    numbers = "667"
    characters = "eniv"
    # Insert "667" between each character of "eniv"
    password = numbers.join(characters)
    # Output: e667n667i667v
    • numbers.join(characters) inserts "667" between each character of "eniv".

Splitting Strings

The split() method returns a list of strings by breaking up the original string using a delimiter. The syntax is:

string_name.split(separator=None, maxsplit=-1)
  • separator: Optional. The delimiter string. If not specified, whitespace is used as the delimiter.
  • maxsplit: Optional. Specifies the maximum number of splits. If not specified or set to -1, there is no limit.


  1. Splitting with a Specified Separator

    sitename = "hptu, exam, helper"
    # Split the string by ","
    split_sitename = sitename.split(",")
    # Output: ['hptu', ' exam', ' helper']
    • sitename.split(",") splits the string using "," as the delimiter.
  2. Splitting with Whitespace

    sitename = "hptu exam helper"
    # Split the string by whitespace
    split_sitename = sitename.split()
    # Output: ['hptu', 'exam', 'helper']
    • sitename.split() splits the string using whitespace as the delimiter.

Strings are Immutable

Strings in Python are immutable, meaning their content cannot be changed once assigned. You can create new strings based on existing ones but cannot modify the original string directly.


  1. Attempting to Modify a String

    immutable = "eniv"
    # Attempting to modify the string directly
        immutable[0] = "c"
    except TypeError as e:
    # Output: 'str' object does not support item assignment
    • Attempting to change the content of a string directly results in a TypeError.
  2. Creating a New String

    immutable = "dollar"
    # Create a new string by concatenation
    string_immutable = "c" + immutable[1:]
    # Output: 'collar'
    # Assign a new string to the same variable
    immutable = "rollar"
    # Output: 'rollar'
    • Creating a new string by concatenating parts of the original string.
    • Assigning a new string to the same variable.

String Traversing

Since strings are sequences of characters, you can traverse each character using a for loop.

def main():
    alphabet = "eniv"
    index = 0
    print(f"In the string '{alphabet}'")
    for each_character in alphabet:
        print(f"Character '{each_character}' has an index value of {index}")
        index += 1
if __name__ == "__main__":


In the string 'eniv'
Character 'e' has an index value of 0
Character 'n' has an index value of 1
Character 'i' has an index value of 2
Character 'v' has an index value of 3
  • This code demonstrates how to loop through each character in a string and print its index.

String Methods in Python

String methods in Python are built-in functions that allow you to perform various operations on strings, such as modifying their content, checking their properties, and more.

Table of String Methods

capitalize()string_name.capitalize()Returns a copy of the string with its first character capitalized and the rest lowercased.
casefold()string_name.casefold()Returns a casefolded copy of the string for caseless matching.
center()[, fillchar])Centers the string, padding it with the specified fill character (default is space).
count()string_name.count(substring[, start[, end]])Returns the number of non-overlapping occurrences of substring in the specified range.
endswith()string_name.endswith(suffix[, start[, end]])Returns True if the string ends with the specified suffix, otherwise False.
find()string_name.find(substring[, start[, end]])Returns the lowest index where the substring is found, or -1 if not found.
isalnum()string_name.isalnum()Returns True if all characters in the string are alphanumeric and there is at least one character, else False.
isalpha()string_name.isalpha()Returns True if all characters in the string are alphabetic and there is at least one character, else False.
isdecimal()string_name.isdecimal()Returns True if all characters in the string are decimal characters and there is at least one character, else False.
isdigit()string_name.isdigit()Returns True if all characters in the string are digits and there is at least one character, else False.
isidentifier()string_name.isidentifier()Returns True if the string is a valid identifier, else False.
islower()string_name.islower()Returns True if all characters in the string are lowercase, else False.
isspace()string_name.isspace()Returns True if there are only whitespace characters in the string and there is at least one character, else False.
isnumeric()string_name.isnumeric()Returns True if all characters in the string are numeric characters, and there is at least one character, else False.
istitle()string_name.istitle()Returns True if the string is title cased and there is at least one character, else False.
isupper()string_name.isupper()Returns True if all cased characters in the string are uppercase and there is at least one cased character, else False.
upper()string_name.upper()Converts lowercase letters in the string to uppercase.
lower()string_name.lower()Converts uppercase letters in the string to lowercase.
ljust()string_name.ljust(width[, fillchar])Left-justifies the string, padding it with the specified fill character (default is space).
rjust()string_name.rjust(width[, fillchar])Right-justifies the string, padding it with the specified fill character (default is space).
title()string_name.title()Returns a title-cased version of the string, with each word’s first character capitalized and the rest lowercased.
swapcase()string_name.swapcase()Returns a copy of the string with uppercase characters converted to lowercase and vice versa.
splitlines()string_name.splitlines([keepends])Returns a list of the lines in the string, breaking at line boundaries. Line breaks are not included unless keepends is True.
startswith()string_name.startswith(prefix[, start[, end]])Returns True if the string starts with the specified prefix, otherwise False.
strip()string_name.strip([chars])Returns a copy of the string with leading and trailing whitespace removed, or with the specified characters removed.
rstrip()string_name.rstrip([chars])Removes all trailing whitespace, or specified characters, from the string.
lstrip()string_name.lstrip([chars])Removes all leading whitespace, or specified characters, from the string.
replace()string_name.replace(old, new[, max])Returns a copy of the string with all occurrences of the old substring replaced by the new substring. If max is specified, only the first max occurrences are replaced.
zfill()string_name.zfill(width)Pads the string on the left with zeros to fill the specified width.

Examples of Using String Methods

Case Conversion Methods
# Checking if the string is alphanumeric
fact = "HPTU Exam Helper is created by Eniv Studios"
print(fact.isalnum())  # Output: False
# Checking if a string is alphabetic
print("sailors".isalpha())  # Output: True
# Checking if a string is a digit
print("2024".isdigit())  # Output: True
# Checking if a string is in lowercase
print(fact.islower())  # Output: False
# Checking if a string is in uppercase
print("TSAR BOMBA".isupper())  # Output: True
# Checking if a string is in lowercase
print("columbus".islower())  # Output: True
  • fact.isalnum(): This will return False because the string contains spaces and is not purely alphanumeric.
  • "sailors".isalpha(): This will return True because "sailors" contains only alphabetic characters.
  • "2018".isdigit(): This will return True because "2024" contains only digits.
  • fact.islower(): This will return False because fact contains uppercase letters.
  • "TSAR BOMBA".isupper(): This will return True because "TSAR BOMBA" is in uppercase.
  • "columbus".islower(): This will return True because "columbus" is in lowercase.
Methods for Checking Start and End of Strings
fact = "HPTU Exam Helper is created by Eniv Studios"
# Checking if the string ends with "Eniv Studios"
print(fact.endswith("Eniv Studios"))  # Output: True
# Checking if the string starts with "HPTU"
print(fact.startswith("HPTU"))  # Output: True
# Checking if the string starts with "H"
print(fact.startswith("H"))  # Output: True
# Checking if the string starts with "h"
print(fact.startswith("h"))  # Output: False
Methods for Finding Substrings
fact = "HPTU Exam Helper is created by Eniv Studios"
# Finding the position of a substring
print(fact.find("En"))  # Output: 31
print(fact.find("iv"))  # Output: 33
print(fact.find("xyz"))  # Output: -1
# Counting occurrences of a substring
print(fact.count("a"))  # Output: 2
  1. Finding the Position of a Substring

    print(fact.find("En"))  # Output: 31
    • Explanation: The find() method searches for the substring "En" within the string fact. It returns the index of the first occurrence of "En". In the string "HPTU Exam Helper is created by Eniv Studios", the substring "En" is found starting at index 31.
    print(fact.find("iv"))  # Output: 33
    • Explanation: The find() method searches for the substring "iv" within the string fact. It returns the index of the first occurrence of "iv". In the string "HPTU Exam Helper is created by Eniv Studios", the substring "iv" is found starting at index 33.
    print(fact.find("xyz"))  # Output: -1
    • Explanation: The find() method searches for the substring "xyz" within the string fact. Since "xyz" is not found in the string, the method returns -1.
  2. Counting Occurrences of a Substring

    print(fact.count("a"))  # Output: 2
    • Explanation: The count() method counts the number of non-overlapping occurrences of the substring "a" in the string fact. In the string "HPTU Exam Helper is created by Eniv Studios", the letter "a" appears 2 times.
Methods for Modifying Strings
fact = "hptu Exam Helper is created by Eniv Studios"
# Capitalizing the first letter of the string
print(fact.capitalize())  # Output: Hptu exam helper is created by eniv studios
# Converting the string to title case
print(fact.title())  # Output: Hptu Exam Helper Is Created By Eniv Studios
# Converting the string to lowercase
print("Studios".lower())  # Output: studios
# Converting the string to uppercase
print("eniv".upper())  # Output: ENIV
# Swapping the case of the string
print("Eniv Studios".swapcase())  # Output: eNIV sTUDIOS
# Replacing a substring in the string
print("history does repeat".replace("does", "will"))  # Output: history will repeat
Methods for Trimming Strings
quote = "Second place is just the first loser"
# Removing trailing whitespace
print(quote.rstrip())  # Output: ' Second place is just the first loser'
# Removing leading whitespace
print(quote.lstrip())  # Output: 'Second place is just the first loser '
# Removing both leading and trailing whitespace
print(quote.strip())  # Output: 'Second place is just the first loser'
Methods for splitting string into lines and centering string with spaces
# Splitting the string into lines
print('ab c\n\nde fg\rkl\r\n'.splitlines())
# Centering the string with spaces
print("Eat sleep code repeat".center(40))


['ab c', '', 'de fg', 'kl']
         Eat sleep code repeat

Splitting the string into lines

  • The splitlines() method splits a string at line boundaries and returns a list of lines.
  • Line boundaries include \n (newline), \r (carriage return), and \r\n (carriage return followed by newline).
  • In the string 'ab c\n\nde fg\rkl\r\n':
    • 'ab c\n' splits into 'ab c' and an empty string '' because \n is a line break.
    • '\nde fg\r' splits into an empty string '' and 'de fg' because \n is a line break and \r is another line break.
    • 'kl\r\n' splits into 'kl' because \r\n is a line break.
  • The resulting list of lines is ['ab c', '', 'de fg', 'kl'].

Centering the string with spaces

  • The center() method returns a new string of a specified width, with the original string centered and padded with spaces (or another specified character) on both sides.
  • The string "Eat sleep code repeat" has a length of 21 characters.
  • The center(40) method call specifies a total width of 40 characters.
  • To center the string within this width, 19 padding spaces are required (40 - 21 = 19).
  • These padding spaces are divided as evenly as possible on both sides of the original string:
    • There are 9 spaces on the left and 10 spaces on the right.
  • The final result is the string with the original string Eat sleep code repeat centered and spaces added to the left and right.

String methods like capitalize(), lower(), upper(), swapcase(), title(), and count() are used for conversion purposes. Methods like islower(), isupper(), isdecimal(), isdigit(), isnumeric(), isalpha(), and isalnum() are used for comparing strings. Padding methods include rjust(), ljust(), zfill(), and center(). The string method find() is used to find substring in an existing string. You can use string methods like replace(), join(), split() and splitlines() to replace a string in Python.

Formatting Strings in Python

Python provides multiple ways to format text strings. The main methods are:

  1. %-formatting
  2. str.format()
  3. f-strings (formatted string literals)

Each method has its own strengths and weaknesses, and in recent years, f-strings have become the preferred method due to their simplicity and efficiency.


%-formatting is an older way to format strings in Python, using placeholders in the string and substituting them with values.


'format_string' % values


  1. Single Value

    almanac = 'nostradamus'
    print('seer: %s' % almanac)
    # Output: 'seer: nostradamus'
  2. Multiple Values

    almanac = ('nostradamus', 1567)
    print('seer: %s, year: %d' % almanac)
    # Output: 'seer: nostradamus, year: 1567'


  • Supports only a limited set of types (int, str, float).
  • Not flexible with multiple values or complex formatting.


Introduced in Python 2.6, str.format() provides a more flexible and powerful way to format strings compared to %-formatting.




  1. Basic Usage

    value = 4 * 20
    print('The value is {}'.format(value))
    # Output: The value is 80.
  2. Named Placeholders

    value = 4 * 20
    print('The value is {value}.'.format(value=value))
    # Output: The value is 80.


  • Verbose and may involve repeated text.
  • Placeholder and value can be far apart in the format string.

f-strings (Formatted String Literals)

F-strings are a more recent addition (introduced in Python 3.6) that allow embedding expressions inside string literals, using a minimal and readable syntax.


f'string_statements {expression}'

Basic Usage

value = 4 * 20
print(f'The value is {value}.')
# Output: The value is 80.


  • Concise and readable.
  • Can include expressions and variables directly within the string.
  • More powerful and flexible formatting capabilities.


  • Backslashes are not supported inside curly braces.

Format Specifiers in f-Strings

Format specifiers in f-strings allow you to control the appearance of the values within a formatted string. You can specify details such as the width and precision of numbers. Here's how you can use them:

General Syntax

The general syntax for format specifiers in f-strings is:

f'string_statements {variable_name:{width}.{precision}}'
  • width: Specifies the minimum width of the formatted value.
  • precision: Specifies the number of decimal places for floating-point numbers.

Specifying Width and Precision

In this example, we specify both width and precision for formatting a floating-point number.

width = 10
precision = 5
value = 12.34567
print(f'result: {value:{width}.{precision}}')


  • {value:{width}.{precision}}: This formats value with a total width of 10 characters, including 5 decimal places.
  • The total width includes both the integer part, the decimal point, and the decimal places. If the value has fewer characters than the specified width, it will be right-aligned by default.


result:     12.346

The result is right-aligned within a field of 10 characters, and the number is rounded to 5 decimal places.

Default Precision

If you want to specify a width but not a precision, you can do so as follows:

width = 10
precision = 5
value = 12.34567
print(f'result: {value:{width}}')


  • {value:{width}}: This formats value with a total width of 10 characters, but does not specify the precision. Therefore, the default precision is used, which typically includes as many decimal places as necessary.


result: 12.34567

The result is right-aligned within a field of 10 characters, and the number is shown with its full precision.

Default Width

If you specify precision but not width, the value is formatted with the given precision, and no specific width is enforced:

width = 10
precision = 5
value = 12.34567
print(f'result: {value:.{precision}}')


  • {value:.{precision}}: This formats value with the given precision (5 decimal places) but does not specify a width. The formatted string will include only the required space for the number plus the decimal point and the specified precision.


result: 12.346

The number is rounded to 5 decimal places. The width is automatically adjusted to fit the formatted number.

Escape Sequences

Escape sequences allow you to include special characters in strings that would otherwise be difficult to represent. They are useful for formatting text and including characters that have a specific function in Python strings.

Common Escape Sequences:

Escape SequenceMeaning
\Break a line into multiple lines
\\Insert a backslash character
\'Insert a single quote character
\"Insert a double quote character
\nInsert a new line
\tInsert a tab
\rInsert a carriage return
\bInsert a backspace
\uInsert a Unicode character
\0ooInsert a character based on its octal value
\xhhInsert a character based on its hexadecimal value
  1. Breaking a Line into Multiple Lines

    By placing a backslash (\) at the end of a line, you can break a single line of code into multiple lines while ensuring that the next line is also part of the same statement:

    print("You can break \
    single line to \
    multiple lines")

    Output: You can break single line to multiple lines

  2. Inserting a Backslash Character

    To include a literal backslash (\) in the string, you need to escape it with another backslash:

    print('print backslash \\ inside a string ')

    Output: print backslash \ inside a string

  3. Inserting a Single Quote

    To include a single quote within a single-quoted string, escape it with a backslash:

    print('print single quote \' within a string')

    Output: print single quote ' within a string

  4. Inserting a Double Quote

    To include a double quote within a double-quoted string, escape it with a backslash:

    print("print double quote \" within a string")

    Output: print double quote " within a string

  5. Inserting a New Line

    The newline character (\n) moves the text following it to a new line:

    print("First line \nSecond line")


    First line
    Second line
  6. Inserting a Tab

    The tab character (\t) adds horizontal spacing:



    tab     spacing
  7. Inserting a Carriage Return

    The carriage return (\r) moves the cursor back to the beginning of the line, overwriting the characters that follow it:


    Output: like

  8. Inserting a Backspace

    The backspace character (\b) removes the character before it:


    Output: Hi (removes 'e')

  9. Inserting a Unicode Character

    The Unicode character (\u) allows you to insert characters based on their Unicode code point:


    Output: (Indian Rupee symbol)

  10. Inserting a Character Based on Octal Value

    The octal value (\0oo) allows you to insert characters based on their octal representation:


    Output: &

  11. Inserting a Character Based on Hexadecimal Value

    The hexadecimal value (\xhh) allows you to insert characters based on their hexadecimal representation:


    Output: $

These escape sequences are essential for formatting strings and including special characters in Python strings.

Raw Strings

Raw strings ignore escape sequences and are created by prefixing the string with r or R.




print(r"Bible Says, \"Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.\"")
# Output: Bible Says, \"Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.\"

Unicode Strings

Unicode provides a unique number for every character, enabling consistent representation across different systems.

Creating Unicode Strings:

unicode_string = u'A unicode \u018e string \xf1'
# Output: A unicode Ǝ string ñ

Note: Regular strings in Python 3 are Unicode by default, so the u prefix is often not necessary.

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