CSPC- 311 Data Structure and Algorithms
Teaching Scheme CreditMarks DistributionDuration of End Semester Examination
LTPInternal AssessmentEnd Semester ExaminationTotal


Maximum Marks: 40Maximum Marks: 60100

3 Hours

Minimum Marks: 16Minimum Marks: 2440


Data Structures: Definition, primitive and derived data types, abstract data types, need for data structures, types of data structures.

Algorithm: Definition, characteristics, development of algorithm, Analysis of complexity: - time complexity, space complexity, order of growth, asymptotic notation with example, obtaining the complexity of the algorithm.

Arrays: Definition, 1d and 2d arrays, operations on arrays, sparse matrices, structures and arrays of structures.


Linked list: Representation of linked list in memory, allocation & garbage collection, operations on linked list, doubly linked lists, circular linked list, linked list with header node, applications.

Stacks: representation of stack in memory, operations on stack and applications.

Queues: Representation of queues in memory, operations on queues, circular queues, double ended queues, priority queues, applications.


Trees: Introduction, representation of tree in memory.

Binary Trees: Terminology, binary tree traversal, binary search tree, insertion, deletion & searching in binary search tree, heap trees, types of heap trees, insertion, deletion in heap tree with example, heap sort algorithm, introduction of AVL trees & B-trees.

Graphs: Definition, representation of graph (adjacency matrix, adjacency list), traversing a graph (DFS & BFS), dijkstra's algorithm for shortest distance, minimum spanning tree.


Searching and sorting: Bubble sorting, Insertion sort, Selection sort, Shell sort, Merge sort, Heap and Heap sort, Quick sort, Radix sort and Bucket sort, Address calculation, Sequential searching, Binary Searching, Index searching, Hash table methods.

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